Intelligent health management strategies, adaptation, and validation of the SAT-SF questionnaire into Spanish in cancer patients

Lidia V. Cerron Tito, Juleysi Delgado Baca, Marcos Espinola-Sánchez, Lindsey W. Vilca, Salomon Huancahuire-Vega

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Introduction: A sudden cancer diagnosis creates a psycho-emotional and social crisis, making it crucial to manage emotional coping strategies and assess comprehensive health care, addressing both behavioral and practical aspects of patients’ daily lives. Although there are instruments that measure strategies for emotional coping, emotional adjustment or post-traumatic growth, we still do not have a questionnaire in Spanish that comprehensively evaluates health self-management. Aim: This study aims to translate into Spanish and determine the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the Smart Management Strategy for Health Assessment Tool (SAT-SF) evaluation questionnaire in Peruvian patients with cancer. Methodology: Cross-sectional study. Translation and back-translation of the SAT-SF were carried out. Next, 271 Peruvian adult patients of both sexes diagnosed with different types of cancer participated in the validation process. The factor structure was studied through Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the scale’s reliability through Cronbach’s alpha and omega coefficients, and the factorial invariance of the scale according to sex. For concurrent validity, the association with the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) social support scale was analyzed. Result: The original model of three related dimensions presents acceptable fit indices to the data (χ2 = 1202.23; df = 402; p <.001; RMSEA =.086 [90% CI.080–.091]; SRMR =.065; CFI =.940; TLI =.930). The scale’s factor structure has shown evidence of being strictly invariant for the groups of men and women. The reliability indices according to dimensions were Personal competencies (α =.91; ω =.92), Preparation strategies (α =.87; ω =.86) and Implementation strategies (α =.89; ω =.91). Additionally, it was evidenced that the dimensions of the SAT-SF are significantly related to the dimensions of the Social Support scale. Conclusion: The SAT-SF questionnaire was adapted to Spanish, demonstrating adequate construct validity, internal consistency, reliability, and concurrent validity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2430967
JournalHealth Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2024


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