Psychometric properties and invariance of the self-efficacy for writing scale in Peruvian high school students

Matilde León-Gutiérrez, Wilter C. Morales-García, Mardel Morales-García, Jania Jaimes-Soncco, Jacksaint Saintila, Percy G.Ruiz Mamani

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2 Scopus citations


Introduction: Being able to write is a key competency in educational models; therefore, it is important to have a scale to assess writing self-efficacy. Objective: The study evaluated the internal structure, providing evidence of reliability, validity, and factorial invariance of the self-efficacy for writing scale (SEWS) across sex and age in Peruvian schoolchildren. Methods: An instrumental study was carried out on 1,107 Peruvian adolescents (early, middle, and late) of school age. A confirmatory factor analysis was carried out and the factorial invariance for sex and age was evaluated. Results: A good fit was obtained for the total sample (χ2 = 1229.08, df = 101, CFI = 0.997, TLI = 0.997, RMSEA = 0.057 [90% CI: 0.0540.059], and SRMR = 0.029) and presented good α, ω, and H reliability (>0.89). Correlations between another measure of writing self-efficacy (p = 0.76; p <.01), study satisfaction (p = 0.31; p <.01), and burnout (p = −0.12; p <.01) scales supported convergent and concurrent validity. Multigroup factor analysis supported strict invariance for sex and age, for which the SEWS provides evidence of validity and reliability. Discussion: This adaptation of the SEWS is a valid, reliable, and invariant measure that can be considered for assessing self-efficacy for writing in Peruvian high school students.

Original languageEnglish
Article number969554
JournalFrontiers in Education
StatePublished - 6 Jan 2023


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